Medical Procedures

Medical Procedures

When you consider a minor medical procedure, these typically require both medical skills and surgical skills. These sorts of procedures, whether invasive or non-invasive, can be carried out by an experienced GP. Depending on the procedure required, this may be accompanied by an anesthetist who would carry out a general anesthetic.

Bayside Family Medical are specialized in the following Contraception and Infusion procedures:

Three regularly utilized procedures at Bayside Family Medical include:

Superficial Implant

This superficial contraceptive device used for birth control is a small, 4cm long soft plastic stick. The device is inserted into the arm by a GP, and it releases a hormone called progestogen. This hormone is similar to the hormone your body produces naturally, and it works by preventing the ovaries from releasing an egg each month as well as thickening the mucus in the cervix. It is highly effective at over 99% and is recommended for use for up to three years.

Prior to any procedure, you will need to meet with your GP to discuss your options and determine whether this device is right for you. The GP will talk you through the procedure and possible side effects so that you can be fully informed. If you decide to proceed, please take your script to the pharmacy and get the device. Remember to bring with you to your next appointment. During the insertion appointment, the GP will first apply a local anesthetic on your arm and then insert the Implanon underneath the skin. It is advised that you avoid any heavy lifting with that arm for the next 24 hours.

Call us on 9583 1630 to discuss booking guidelines and the costs of the procedure.

For more information, please visit the official family planning website.

Internal Implant

The small Mirena hormonal intrauterine device (IUD) is a small ‘T-shaped’ plastic device, no more than 32mm in length. It is a form of contraception that is popular to use, as it is over 99% effective. The device is placed in the uterus and it works by slowly releasing the hormone progestogen. This is a hormone that is similar to the one produced naturally in the body, which causes the mucus lining in the uterus (womb) to thicken, making it harder for sperm to reach and fertilize the egg. The effect is similar to another popular superficial contraceptive. Both it and this device are effective for up to five years and are also useful in reducing heavy periods.

This internal implant is placed in the uterus by a specially trained GP. The process is similar to the Cervical Screening Test (previously known as a Pap Smear). After the procedure, you may experience some minor discomfort in the pelvic region as well as some spots. However, the symptoms do not persist and you will be able to return to work the following day. You can return to your GP to have the device removed at any time and it will remain effective for up to five years.

It is recommended that you talk to your GP in the first instance to discuss which contraceptive option is right for you. They will talk you through the procedure, and possible side effects, so that you can be informed. Call us on 9583 1630 to find out more. Appointments for this implant must be made over the phone, as the receptionist will need to provide further information prior to the appointment.

For more information, please visit the official family planning website.

Iron Infusion

Iron infusions are often intravenous iron preparations (infusion), a medicine given to treat patients with an iron deficiency. It is typically recommended when an oral iron supplement is ineffective or if it has caused side effects (such as nausea or constipation). Iron Infusions are typically recommended to increase the body’s iron stores quickly, especially when the iron deficiency is causing major problems.

Patients will be taken to our specialized Treatment Room, where the GP will first discuss the process. When ready, the GP will administer the infusion via an intravenous cannula (IV), into the vein at the crease of the elbow. The infusion lasts for 15-30 minutes, however, you will be required to remain in the Treatment Room for 1 hour so that the nurse can monitor your blood pressure, pulse, and temperature.

Prior to any procedure, you will need to meet with your GP to discuss whether an iron infusion is right for you. Your GP will discuss the process along with possible side effects so that you can make an informed decision. If you elect to proceed, please take your GP prescription to your pharmacy to get the medicine and bring it with you to your booked infusion appointment.